How often we forget - or more accurately, default to our taught beliefs - that God so longs to be with us. He is not remote, not “other than” but in and through and with and all around us. This is beautifully written, thank you.

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Thanks for your kind words, Korie. You are right, God is not remote. I often have to catch myself from praying that God will be present with me and change the prayer to ask that I will be present to God.

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I too have been gardening. I have been working on a “wild flower” hill for a few years now. Several of the plants that have been in since the beginning but didn’t really seem to be thriving, came up roaring this year. Just like myself, after getting settled in and rooted they are growing and spreading. I hope to have less “weeds” once it fills in - just like my heart. Thank you for you message. this one really hit home with me.

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Robyne, thanks for sharing about your wild flower hill. It's interesting, isn't it, how sometimes the work we have to do is wait.

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