Thanks, Ragan. You have motivated me to at least consider taking email off of my phone and maybe the news apps. Coffee book has entered my lexicon. I need to to dig around in my book boxes for a’ Kempis.

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Brian, I hope it gives you as much peace as it has me! I found Cal Newport's book "Digital Minimalism" really helpful for my own journey toward fewer apps and online engagement.

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I might offer up another work that has served as my “coffee book” quite often - you likely won’t recommend it yourself, but I will - Wendell Berry and The Given Life! I actually discovered you after picking up your book at the Berry Center Bookstore a few years ago. I later noticed that the book is helpfully broken up into 12 main chapters, and so I made it a practice to focus on one chapter each month over the course of a year - it became a sort of meditation for me on the themes of each chapter, which ultimately became a really meaningful experience for me. I am very grateful for the work you put into that book and would highly recommend it to others as a coffee companion as well.

Thanks for the other book suggestions - will add these to my list.

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Ryan, I'm so grateful Wendell Berry and the Given Life served as your coffee book! Its funny, I never thought of the 12 chapters in relation to a year, but I'm glad you saw that possibility. Thanks for recommending it!

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