The Way We Practice
The Way We Practice
Recovering Personhood with Andy Crouch

Recovering Personhood with Andy Crouch

Romans 16, the magic tricks of technology, and how to live in the Empire that never really ended

In my continuing explorations of the book of Romans, I couldn’t help thinking about Andy Crouch’s important book, The Life We’re Looking For: Reclaiming Relationship in a Technological World. It is a wise and insightful exploration of our device driven culture, but I was surprised in reading it, to find a thread on Romans and Paul’s revolutionary insights into personhood. It shouldn’t have been a surprise, because as you’ll hear in my interview, Crouch is a writer who is able to bring scripture and theology to bare on the practical concerns of every day life.

Andy’s bio is too long and accomplished to simply read of as a list, so I’ll point you to his website, I hope enjoy this conversation on Romans, personhood, and the way Empire and its technologies transform our relationships.


The Way We Practice
The Way We Practice
Host Ragan Sutterfield interviews a diverse mix of Christians on how they practice the way of Jesus in their daily lives. Each interview includes insights that will help you on your own journey.